Minimise the Risk of Weed, Pest and Disease Incursions
Meeting the Requirments
Report suspect exotic pests, plants and diseases. Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800 084 881
Take all reasonable and practical steps to minimise risks associated with invasive plants and animals under your control (general biosecurity obligation) and refer to biosecurity legislation in your state.
Control declared or noxious weeds according to the weeds’ control class for the area and report as required under state regulations.
When transporting machinery or livestock, observe regulated requirements when crossing state or regional boundaries for removal of plant materials, soil and weed seeds (eg Weed Hygiene Declaration Queensland).
Monitor crops for pests as per specific market requirements.
Other Practices to Consider in Your Grain Farming Enterprise
Preparing a farm biosecurity action plan and discussing it with staff, contractors and advisors.
This includes:-
Biosecurity signage.
Training short and long term staff in biosecurity requirements.
Reducing unnecessary access to production areas.
Conducting and recording routine surveillance for pests, diseases and weeds. Identify and
report anything unusual. -
A visitor register (including details of the visiting person, the reason and location on farm).
Ensuring all machinery, livestock, boots, contractors’ equipment, etc entering and leaving the farm are clean and weed seed free (certified if required). For example, inspect and if necessary clean down equipment, vehicles and shipping containers entering the farm.
Arranging access to a designated clean down facility or location.
Composting introduced manures and composts sufficiently to kill weed seeds and pathogens.
Reducing the risk of carrying soil, weeds or diseases when travelling to other regions or abroad.